robert j. meyers, ph.d

the creator of the CRAFT approach

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learn craft at no cost to you, in our Professional training study

Check if you are eligible to complete the enrollment process today, and secure your spot to begin CRAFT training on November 4th!

‍This is an opportunity to learn CRAFT through my We The Village Online Training Programs at no cost to you.

Click the button to learn more and find out if you are eligible to participate, and please spread the word to whomever you think may benefit from this unique opportunity to learn CRAFT.

learn craft online

Having created CRAFT and spent the last 30+ years conducting research, authoring books and training professionals globally through our Intensive Training services offered by RJ Meyers & Associates, I have now teamed up with We The Village to bring my CRAFT expertize online so even more people can access CRAFT from the source.

Through my We The Village Online Training Programs you can access expert training and online curriculums that step through the Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) procedures the way I designed them, tailored to both professionals and families.

In these programs, professionals learn to work with families, and families learn to engage loved ones in treatment and recovery, while improving family health outcomes through a combination of automated online lessons and virtual live sessions.

These are the only clinically validated online CRAFT programs proven to help families recover and professionals to achieve the fidelity and client outcomes we know CRAFT can produce. Our thanks to the National Institute on Drug Abuse for funding the clinical trials.

Thank you for visiting my website and helping families recover with CRAFT!

Dr. Robert J. Meyers

get your loved one sober

I am excited to announce my book, Get Your Loved One Sober, is now available in Spanish. This effort is years in the making and is much needed. It is available for purchase through Hazelden Publishing here.

Me alegra anunciar que mi libro, Logre que su ser querido alcance la sobriedad, está disponible en español. Este esfuerzo lleva años desarrollándose y es muy necesario. Está disponible para su compra a través de Hazelden Publishing aquí.

Del libro: ESTE ES UN LIBRO para quienes "lo han probado todo" con el fin de que sus seres queridos logren la sobriedad (desde regaños y reclamos, hasta súplicas y sobornos, e incluso el distanciamiento), sin éxito.Al usar el enfoque compasivo y a la vez eficaz de este libro, los cónyuges, las parejas, los padres o los hijos de las personas con problemas de bebida o consumo de drogas pueden mejorar la calidad de su propia vida y volver la sobriedad una opción más satisfactoria que beber o consumir drogas para sus seres queridos. Basado en el modelo científicamente validado CRAFT (Refuerzo comunitario y capacitación familiar), Logre que su ser querido alcance la sobriedad brinda la orientación y las herramientas que necesita para reconocer cómo usted y su ser querido interactúan y para cambiar esos patrones con el fin de lograr resultados más saludables y felices.

CRAFT Trainings

2-Day Intensive Training

RJM & Associates works with the agencies to design a training that fits that agency’s needs. The goal of this 2-day intensive CRAFT training is to help participants feel comfortable and confident with the CRAFT model and ready to use with clients immediately.

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Clinician Certification

Pursue CRAFT certification using the exact process designed by Dr. Meyers, and join an elite group of professionals ensuring high fidelity CRAFT services and increased rates of positive client outcomes.

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Supervisor Certification

With the additional training of supervisors, agencies/programs can accomplish the important goal of sustainability. Certified supervisors can train and certify others at their own agencies.

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Introduction to CRAFT

For non-practicing professionals who interact with families impacted by SUD, but don’t intend to facilitate client sessions in CRAFT. Receive a curated selection of lessons featuring Dr. Meyers to increase understanding of the empirically supported positive role families can play in recovery.

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Self-Guided Individual Training

Learn CRAFT from Dr. Meyers himself. Enroll today to receive ongoing access to a comprehensive CRAFT training, with step-by-step guides covering the exact steps to run CRAFT sessions to fidelity and client worksheets to confidently begin using procedures families in need, right away.

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Trainer-Led Group Training

Receive the perfect balance of continued access to all online training materials featuring Dr. Meyers, and complete a schedule of dedicated live group sessions with an expert trainer to discuss and practice CRAFT procedures. The added live instruction ensures increased confidence when facilitating CRAFT with families.

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